Friday, April 07, 2006

Oxado: An alternative to AdSense

Have you heard about before? I just found it a few days ago. This maybe a good news for those people who are not qualified for AdSense as it is another contextual ads provider that was established last year (2005). So, what is so great about it compare to AdSense?

From my observation and readings, I found something interesting about oxado. There are some people who claimed that they received 3 times higher CPC than AdSense! You might not believe it because I was not too at the first place. But, after I browse through many forums in the net, majority of people who have tried this program said so. They even said that displayed ads will rotate live in front of your eyes! Surely will catch more attention and give higher CTR.

Then, automatically I was sold to it and go to to take a closer look at what they offer. At the main page, I saw some other facts that really interesting. Oxado claim that they offer better click through rate and the best payout in the industry! But I was not really convinced yet. So, I looked for more information. And guess what I found? They have more than 2 millions ads and the number is still growing. Oxado even partnered with some of the biggest players in the contextual industry; Overture, Espotting, Findwhat, Mirago, etc.

After seeing those great features, now I am really into oxado. Immediately I signed up for the service and after a while, I received an email to conform my application, just like what AdSense do. Then I clicked on the link to conform it. After a while, I received another email from oxado. I thought that my application was rejected and felt really sad. But, the email really shocked me. My application has been accepted! That was not even an hour!

So, I am planning to put oxado ads on my site. Just to compare the performance with AdSense. But, it may not going to happen neither in this is nor my AdSense Help site because AdSense ads is already doing well here. So, my plan is to create another site and run oxado in it. Maybe it will happen after I satisfied with the content of my AdSense Help site.

So, if you want to give oxado a try or want to have a look at the site, click on this link:

I will update this post later as soon as I get new info about oxado. And for those who have tested oxado before, what do you think of it?

Updates: In response to the comments from Stu, I have contacted some people that I can trust. Stu said that he has tried putting some keywords (Kidney failure, dialysis, kidney transplant) into the oxado keywords tool but the tool shows there is no ads related to the keywords. Mr Ad Venture has responded to this saying that the tool is not fully fuctional. Maybe it is true. But when I asked directly to oxado, they said that they do not have ads from some countries like New Zealand. So, there will be none or maybe only some ads displayed for that particular country visitor. You can check the full listing at the oxado faqs. Maybe MrAdventure still does not aware of this. So, I hope he will read this updates.


Monday, April 03, 2006

Online saving accounts

In the past few years, there has been a slight increase in the use of online saving accounts. Sadly, not many people still realize the benefit of this service. People like to think that online transaction is still not safe and thus, leaving online saving accounts behind. Therefore, should we use online saving accounts? This article will answer this question.

What is online saving accounts?

Actually, this service is just the same as other saving accounts but, all of the transactions are to be made online. That means you can still keep your day-to-day bank accounts and use online saving accounts as a place to save some portion of your earnings. Online saving accounts has many advantages compare to the ordinary saving accounts. This will be discussed in detail below.

Online saving accounts’ advantages

Usually, online saving accounts offers higher interest rates as they can operate in more cost-efficient manner. This is because they do not have to have large number of man power to run the service. They can also save the cost of establishing lots of branches as all of the process can be done at one branch. Therefore, they experience low level of handling and operating cost. Then, public will be the one who enjoy the benefit as we can get higher return of investment from higher interest rates.

And as all the transactions done online, we do not have to go the bank branch to do the money transfer to our saving accounts. I do realize that nowadays, many bank offer automatic fund transfer in which money will be transferred automatically from current accounts to saving accounts. But, this option usually will be charged as a service charge. As far as I know, there are many online saving accounts that do not charge any service fee for this service.

Usually, online saving accounts allows you to withdraw your money anytime you want. And some of them even calculate the interest in daily basis. That means you will earn higher than if you save your money in the saving accounts that count your interest in the monthly basis.

Is there any disadvantages?

Of course. There is nothing in the world that is so perfect. Online saving accounts also has some disadvantages. One of them is as all of the transactions are done online; security is the main issue that holds people from opening this accounts. They said that there is a potential of losing some money if they using this service. But, recently, many of the online saving accounts providers have upgraded their system so people will feel safer when investing with them. For example, Raboplus, the online saving accounts that I use, has high level of online banking security. The main bank, Rabobank, has been voted as the world’s safest private bank in 2005 by Global Finance magazine; the world’s leading finance magazine.

What should you do?

If you convince that online saving accounts is the best choice for you, find one and start saving today. If you want to enjoy the higher interest from your hard-earned money, go fro online saving accounts. You can find online saving accounts quite easily. Just search for this service using major search engine like Google, Yahoo or MSN and compare the features before you start your online saving accounts. Remember; think first before you make any choices.


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